3 courses found

GP/Family physician trainee

The GP Cancer Update Course

Provided by

  • Speciality GP
  • Delivery Method Conference
  • Accredited Accredited

About the course

This is a comprehensive look at the current evidence and guidance relating to all aspects of cancer care as it applies to us as coal face GPs.

This course is able to look in much more detail at the big picture behind the disease perhaps most feared by our patients, and let’s face it, that 1 in 2 of us will be diagnosed with over our lifetime.

We consider:

  • Early diagnosis: Why is it so difficult and how we can shift the balance in favour of our patients?
  • Lifestyle advice: is it really worth it?
  • Cancer screening: Is early detection worth the burden of over diagnosis? How do we discuss this complex idea with patients?
  • Cancer as a long term condition – what are the needs of your patients and what are the learning needs of your team?

We also focus in detail on some tricky areas:

  • Difficult to spot cancers e.g. myeloma, lymphoma, renal tract cancers, sarcoma.
  • Tumour markers: When and how to use them.
  • Is aspirin the new cancer wonder drug?

And a Red Whale course wouldn’t be complete with lots of practical tips to go home with:

  • Identifying a relevant cancer family history and what to do with it!
  • How to follow up pre-cancerous conditions like Barrett’s oesophagus.
  • Identifying a teachable moment and making the most of it.
  • How to do a really good cancer care review.
  • Find out which cancer treatment reduces fatigue, improves bone density, mental health and quality of life – and has no side effects.
  • Best practice prescribing in ‘End of life care’ including how to make sense of all the different morphine preparations and how to sort out intractable hiccups.
  • Lots of case studies to embed your knowledge in a patient story – the way most of us learn best!

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