Cardiff DOHNS Course: Intensive Revision for DOHNS OSCE / MRCS(ENT)

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About the course

This intensive one-day course aims to provide a focused revision for the DOHNS Clinical/OSCE exam and is aimed at trainees with a specialist interest in ENT surgery and qualified ENT surgeons.

The contents  includes clinical topics that regularly feature in the exam, encompassing:


  • Gross and microscopic anatomy of key areas.
  • Identification and management of common ENT pathologies.
  • Video and radiological analysis of important conditions.
  • Interpretation of specialist investigations.
  • Run-through of numerous communication skills scenarios including focused history taking and consenting.
  • Familiarization with surgical and emergency equipment.
  • Practicing pertinent clinical skills required for the exam.
  • Strong emphasis on the clinical application of knowledge and perfecting the examination skills.


The course concludes with a mock OSCE examination, providing the opportunity for individuals to put into practice the skills they have acquired in front of real examiners under real exam conditions.


Aimed at


  • Foundation Year 2 trainees
  • Core trainees in Surgery with specialist interest in ENT
  • General Practice trainees with specialist interest in ENT
  • Career ENT trainees
  • Qualified ENT Surgeons
  • Experienced ENT Surgeons wishing to enhance and advance their knowledge


Course fee includes the following:

  1. Diploma in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: An Essential Revision Guide (normal price £20 including postage)
  2. 50 OSCE Stations for DOHNS Part 2 (normal price £19 including postage)
  3. Practical Otolaryngology for Junior Doctors (normal price £18 including postage)
  4. OSCE question and answer booklets
  5. Refreshments and lunch
  6. Certificate of Attendance (PDF)


Trainees can use their study leave budget to attend this course.


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