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Hospital doctor/Secondary care physician - Traine…

MSc/PGDip/PGCert in Paediatric Emergency Medicine (online)

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About the course

This course will provide practising doctors, nurses, paramedics and physician associates the opportunity to gain a thorough expertise in the field of PEM. It will be delivered online allowing access from anywhere in the world.


Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) is a rapidly evolving area crossing the boundaries of paediatrics, emergency medicine, paediatric intensive care medicine, and anaesthesia. This innovative, part-time, online programme provides you with an opportunity to develop your skills under the guidance of a renowned, international faculty in collaboration with global paediatric educational organisation Don't Forget The Bubbles (DFTB). The Queen Mary faculty and DFTB team bring their unique expertise, insight, and experience to deliver a high quality interactive online learning experience.


The PEM MSc at Queen Mary covers the breadth of PEM presentations, and you’ll be taught by world-leading experts recognised for their cutting-edge research and teaching. Together we will explore and deepen your understanding of a diverse range of topics such as congenital heart disease, seizures, bilious vomiting, trauma, and resuscitation, while fine-tuning your existing knowledge on research methodology, safeguarding, debriefs, and presentation skills.

The MSc format will allow for online discussion around the clinical questions we face in our practice each day. You will fine-tune your skills of reading the evidence-base, assessing and summarising it, and conveying that to your peers through knowledge translation. You'll also learn skills in infographic creation, presentation delivery, and blogpost writing.


The format focuses on online forum discussion and interaction as a way of exploring the evidence-base and how it relates to your own practice.

This MSc is delivered over 3 years with 8 compulsory taught modules spaced over 2 years (4 per year), and a scientific paper and conference presentation for the 3rd year. Each 15-credit module consists of approximately 6 hours of livestream sessions and linked weekly discussion on the forum. Each module offers around 40 hours contact time and 110 hours self-directed study.


  • Fundamentals of Research
  • The Young Infant/Neonate and the Adolescent
  • The Child with a Respiratory or Cardiovascular Problem
  • The Child with a Neurological or Haematological Problem
  • The Child with a Surgical or Gastro-Intestinal Problem
  • The Child with a Dermatological, Endocrine, or Renal problem
  • The Critically Ill Child
  • The Child with Trauma

Year 3: Scientific paper and conference presentation:

The year will contain lectures and tutorials in scientific writing, critical appraisal, statistics, research and presentation preparation supplemented by dedicated monthly Q&A tutorials. In Semester 1, you will identify a topic, be assigned a dedicated supervisor and produce a 1,500-word project proposal. In Semesters 2 & 3, you will produce a 3,500-word scientific paper with 2,000 words of supplementary material (detailing methodology, statistical plan, secondary outcomes, literature appraisal) and a 20-minute (conference-standard) oral presentation. At each stage your assigned supervisor will support and guide you with regular meetings during the 9-month module.

Who is it for?

We welcome students from both overseas and the UK. The course is designed for doctors, nurses, paramedics and physicians assistants/associates who wish to advance their knowledge and skill in paediatric emergency care.

Entry requirements

Please see the website for specific entry requirements for doctors, nurses, paramedics and physician's assistants/associates.

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