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United Kingdom, England, GP/Family physician

PGDip in Clinical Dermatology (online)

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About the course

Struggling with diagnosing and managing your patients with skin disease? Our one-year or two-year PGDip in Clinical Dermatology online programme covers the core dermatology curriculum with particular emphasis on skin disease management from a primary care perspective. Optimise patient care and revitalise your career by studying dermatology online whilst continuing with your regular job.


Most doctors receive two weeks dermatology teaching as students, despite how often patients present with these symptoms in practice. Subsequently, doctors can struggle when they are faced with diagnosing and managing patients with skin disease in their own practices. This online programme covers the dermatology core curriculum with special emphasis on diagnosing and managing skin disease in a community setting. You will gain knowledge and understanding of the common clinical dermatological problems such as the red face, inflammatory conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, as well as recognising skin cancers and other lumps and bumps. We also teach you about some of the rarer skin diseases and explain the pathology behind a range of the conditions which we encounter in practice.

Our course is quotable in Hong Kong, displayable in Singapore (upon application to the SMC), and offers 20 Certified Self-Learning Mainpro+™ credits (College of Family Physicians of Canada).


Uniquely for a dermatology diploma, our programme is led only by Consultants with CCST/Board Certification in Dermatology. We have over 20 years’ experience in online teaching and deliver a blend of distance learning combining interactive webinars in small groups, lectures, videos and discussion forums with weekly core modules. Case-based teaching is combined with interactive small group learning to create an online student community. 

There are close links with other dermatology departments in the region, in particular Whipps Cross University Hospital. There is a large enthusiastic team of consultant dermatologists, many of whom are tutors on this diploma course.


Six compulsory taught modules. Each module consists of weekly reading material supplemented and complemented by multimedia resources, suggested reading and slide library.

The course is part-time and is suitable for study alongside a full-time job. You would be expected to study approximately ten hours per week in order to successfully complete this course over 9 months or you can spread the programme over 21 months in several 6-week 'full-time' periods.

1-year module schedule:

Semester 1

  • Introduction and Common Dermatological
  • Problems
  • Red and Spotty Faces, Drug Reactions, Wound Healing, Surgery and Paediatric Dermatology
  • Cutaneous Neoplasia

Semester 2

  • Inflammatory and Papulosquamous Disorders
  • Dermatoses of Specific Sites, Ages or Skin Types
  • Sunshine and the Skin, Urticaria, Psyche and the Skin, Uncommon Infections and Cosmetic Dermatology

2-year module schedules

Year 1, Semester 1

  • Introduction and Common Dermatological Problems
  • Red and Spotty Faces, Drug Reactions, Wound Healing, Surgery and Paediatric Dermatology

Year 1, Semester 2

  • Inflammatory and Papulosquamous Disorders
  • Dermatoses of Specific Sites, Ages or Skin Types

Year 2, Semester 1

  • Cutaneous Neoplasia

Year 2, Semester 2

  • Cutaneous Neoplasia (cont.)
  • Sunshine and the Skin, Urticaria, Psyche and the Skin, Uncommon Infections and Cosmetic Dermatology

Who is it for?

The programme is designed for those with a medical background, most typically working as primary care practitioners who want to increase their confidence in managing patients with skin disease in their care. It is also suitable for those who may want to work in extended roles, or as specialty doctors in dermatology.

Both UK and Overseas students follow the same programme and successful completion leads to the award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dermatology from Queen Mary University of London.

Entry requirements

A Medical degree (non-UK medical degrees marked on a grading scale must be equivalent to UK 2:2 degree). Applicants with Medical degrees below this level will be considered on an individual basis if there is strong evidence of suitable professional experience.

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