1 course found

GP/Family physician, Non clinical

Postgraduate Course in Cardiometabolic Medicine

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About the course

About the course 

The high prevalence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes epidemic has created an increasing burden on the healthcare system and calls for a cardiometabolic medicine specialization training program. To address this unmet educational need, this program will integrate relevant knowledge and skills of cardiology and endocrinology for the optimal care of cardiometabolic patients. Optimization and interdisciplinary coordination of the medical management of these patients is crucial as it has direct implications for patient outcomes. The objective of this course is to offer a high-quality education and to train a new type of interdisciplinary cardiometabolic specialist. We envision a core competence in cardiometabolic medicine including the interface of traditional cardiology and endocrinology with an important emphasis on lifestyle and pharmacological therapy. 

Early fee (until March 1, 2024) 850
Regular fee 950
Trainees, Residents, Students (age <40y) 700


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