13 courses found

Clinical, GP/Family physician

Applied clinical ethics (ACE)

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About the course

The UK's first professional course in clinical ethics designed specifically for practising clinicians.  No prior knowledge of academic medical ethics or moral philosophy needed. Led by two highly regarded and experienced teachers.


More than ever before, clinicians are confronted with complex ethical issues in their medical practice.  These include disagreements between patients, relatives, and healthcare staff over treatment decisions, issues at the beginning and end of life, medical errors, truth-telling and patient confidentiality.  Recognising the growing importance of ethical awareness in medicine, the recent Ethics in Practice report of the Royal College of Physicians (2005) concluded that key medical personnel should be suitably trained in clinical ethics.  Increasingly, formal examinations in medicine and nursing assess applicants on aspects of clinical ethics.

Now in its ninth year the Applied Clinical Ethics (ACE) course is aimed at practising clinicians, allied professionals and members of CECs, focusing entirely on clinical ethics and practical decision-making.  Many of the speakers are both clinicians and ethicists.  The convenient arrangement of two modules, falling on a Friday/Saturday, will enable delegates to apply their knowledge in between modules and interfere less with their work commitments.

Sir William Osler famously noted that physicians need a clear head and a kind heart.  This course offers the participants the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills, to share perspectives, to analyse clinical ethical issues in a clear and rigorous manner, and to consider the values underpinning their practice.


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