Researching Gender-Based Violence: Methods and Meaning

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About the course

Overview - Researching Gender-Based Violence: Methods and Meaning
The course runs from 9 to 13 June 2025.

Gender-based violence occurs globally and is prevalent in many forms, including intimate partner violence, rape and coerced sex, child sexual abuse, and human trafficking. Such forms of gender-based violence have serious impacts on individuals’ physical, sexual and psychological health, as well as their social and economic well-being.

Well-designed research on the causes, and consequences of violence, as well as violence prevention interventions, are essential to inform policies and services to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. Conducting action-oriented research on gender-based violence that is robust and carried out in ethical and safe ways requires specific methodological approaches.

Course aims

This course aims to strengthen participants’ knowledge and skills to conduct or commission technically rigorous, ethical and policy- and service-relevant research on various forms of violence against women, children and adolescents.

Launched in 2006, the Gender, Violence and Health Centre (GVHC) at the School is a multi-disciplinary research group that works in partnership with local and international organisations around the world to carry out research on gender-based violence and health. The Centre aims to improve the health and well-being of populations, particularly women and girls, through action-oriented research on the extent, cause and consequences of gender-based violence.

We are experts in the evaluation of complex social interventions to prevent violence, using rigorous, cutting-edge evaluation methods, including randomised controlled trials. We are committed to using our research and our strong global partnerships to inform policies and interventions that promote reductions in gender-based violence.

The course is also intended for individuals who have an interest in research on GBV. It will be of particular interest to those who want to strengthen their methodological skills and understanding of GBV research. It is relevant for individuals working on health-related topics such as, sexual and reproductive health, maternal health, HIV, mental health and substance use.

Upon completing the course, participants will have a strong understanding of: current gold standard methods to conceptualise and measure violence exposures, various methodological techniques for assessing the relationship between violence and health outcomes; and practical issues faced when meeting ethical and safety obligations.

Hear from recent students about what they learnt, most enjoyed and how the course has benefited their careers.

Who should apply?

The course is designed for individuals conducting or commissioning research on gender-based violence. It is particularly valuable for those looking to incorporate a ‘violence component’ into quantitative or qualitative studies or intervention evaluations. The course is also relevant to professionals working on health-related topics, including sexual and reproductive health, maternal health, HIV, mental health, and substance use.


This is a specialised course focusing on methods to research gender-based violence. Participants are expected to have some prior familiarity or experience with conducting research and relevant knowledge about the subject of gender-based violence. Teaching will be conducted in English and participants will need sufficient language skills to read course materials and participate actively in group discussions. Participants will be expected to have an undergraduate degree and ideally, some post-graduate training in research methods. Knowledge of computers and a basic knowledge of Word for Windows and Excel is also essential.

Additional information

  • Course leaflet
Course objectives
Course objectives - Researching Gender-Based Violence: Methods and Meaning

Course content

The course will cover the following topics:

  • Conceptualising and researching various forms of gender-based violence
  • Associations between violence and health: current knowledge
  • Ethics, safety and researcher wellbeing
  • Approaches to researching violence: qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, intervention research
  • Developing conceptual frameworks for violence and health research
  • Social and gender norms, masculinities
  • Evaluation research
  • Violence research in health care settings
  • Violence research in humanitarian settings

Teaching methods

The course will be taught through a series of face-to-face interactive lectures, practical exercises, group work and assigned reading. Lectures will be taught by LSHTM staff and international visiting lecturers.

Fees & Funding
Fees - Researching Gender-Based Violence: Methods and Meaning



Funding - Researching Gender-Based Violence: Methods and Meaning


A small number of tuition fee waivers are available for offer holders from Low-and Middle-Income countries to attend the course ONLINE.

Applicants must hold an offer of a place before they can apply for any funding. The deadline for submission of the funding applications if interested in the waiver is Monday, 31 March 2025.

Eligibility criteria:

Applicants must hold an offer of admission for the course. The fee waivers will be awarded to applicants who are:

  • resident in, and a national of, a Lower- or Middle- income country (LMIC) - World Bank definition

Please note: Applicants who have already secured an alternative source of funding or can self-fund will not be considered for a fee waiver.

How to apply for funding

Applicants need to submit a statement of 250 words to clearly stating their eligibility for this award, why the programme would be useful for their current position and what impact it is likely to have on their future career.

Please state ‘Researching Gender-Based Violence Fee Waiver’ in the subject line.

The deadline for submission of fee waiver applications is 31 March 2025. Decisions will be confirmed within approximately two weeks of the fee waiver deadline.

We are grateful to the Ford Foundation for their generous support that has allowed us to award these fee waivers.

How to apply
How to apply - Researching Gender-Based Violence: Methods and Meaning

Applying for this course

Applications for 2025 are now open and can be made via our online application form.

Please read LSHTM's Admissions policies prior to submitting your application.

The deadline for applications is 30 April 2025.

Short courses - visas, accommodation, disclaimer - Lunch Included


The student is responsible for obtaining any visa or other permissions to attend the course, and is encouraged to start the application process as early as possible as obtaining a visa for the UK can sometimes take a long time. The Short Courses team can provide supporting documentation if requested.

Accommodation and meals

A list of hotels located in the vicinity of LSHTM, along with further resources for short term accommodation, can be found on our accommodation pages. Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided during breaks.

Evening meals are not catered for at LSHTM, however there is a large choice of restaurants, cafés and shops nearby.

Important information

Please note:

  • If you have been offered a place on the course you will not be able to register without bringing formal ID (Passport) and without having obtained the correct visa if required.
  • It is essential that you read the current visa requirements for short course students .
  • LSHTM may cancel courses two weeks before the first day of the course if numbers prove insufficient. In those circumstances, course fees will be refunded.
  • LSHTM cannot accept responsibility for accommodation, travel and other losses incurred as a result of the course being cancelled.


Start date Venue
01 Jun 2025 Distance learning Book now

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