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England, Classroom, New Doctor/Intern (UK FY), No…

Acute Intensive and Emergency Psychiatric Care

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About the course

The Acute, Intensive and Emergency Psychiatric Care course is for anyone working in the area of psychiatry (inpatient, psychiatric intensive care, home treatment teams, liaison psychiatry, or prisons) who wants to further their knowledge and practical skills.

The course will be delivered onsite and face to face. You will be taught by experts in the fields of mental health nursing, psychiatry, pharmacology, and mental health law.  Discussions and sharing of experiences and knowledge are encouraged during these sessions.

The course topics include:

  • risk management
  • mental health law
  • physical health
  • substance use
  • pharmacology
  • carer involvement
  • restrictive practices.

Quotes from past students:

“Fantastic talks, really informative and fascinating. All speakers very expert…”

“Content of the day very useful and well delivered. Great knowledge passed on.”

“Really enjoyed patient and carer services. Great and very clear explanation of the law.”

“… very educative and eye opening.”

Course Code Non credit-bearing Psychiatry Course

Course Leader Dr Aileen O'Brien

Course Description
What will learners who successfully complete the course know, understand or be able to do?

  1. Identify and describe the patient who requires an increased level of care.
  2. Demonstrate their existing competencies in dealing with acute mental health situations.
  3. Critically evaluate the assessment process.
  4. Synthesise evidence regarding interventions.
  5. Evaluate impact of interventions.
  6. Discuss the application of relevant policy frameworks.
  7. Discuss the application of relevant legal and ethical issues.

The learners will be professionals working in the field of acute and emergency psychiatry. This covers a wide number of potential areas; psychiatric intensive care, liaison departments and emergency departments, crisis teams and street triage services, acute wards and forensic services.

The professional groups who would be eligible to take the module include:

  • psychiatrists (envisaged those near the end of training)
  • senior nursing staff
  • occupational therapists
  • pharmacists
  • social workers

This is a non-credit-bearing course.

To book this course, please click the Book Now button

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