Domestic abuse and substance misuse

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About the course

This course is part of the RCOG Core Knowledge series.

This course covers the topics of domestic abuse, substance misuse in pregnancy (alcohol and other drugs) and the effects of smoking in pregnancy.

The term 'domestic abuse' is preferred over 'domestic violence' as a reminder that the problem is not always physical abuse but includes financial, sexual and emotional abuse.

The term 'use of alcohol and other drugs' has been agreed by all Royal Colleges in the Academy of Royal Colleges and will henceforth be used.

This course aims to improve your knowledge and confidence to assess and manage pregnant women experiencing these issues, in order to provide safe care for mother and baby.

Course overview Authors Audience Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) Related guidelines

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

  • describe the scope of the problem of domestic abuse and the effects on the mother and child
  • know the importance of routine questioning and also identify women at higher risk of domestic abuse
  • take appropriate action when a woman reveals that she is experiencing domestic abuse and enable her to source help as required
  • describe the scope of the problem of smoking and use of alcohol and other drugs in pregnancy, and the effects on the mother and child
  • provide appropriate antenatal and intrapartum care to women who smoke and use alcohol and other drugs
  • describe the importance of child safeguarding in relation to domestic abuse and use of alcohol and other drugs
  • describe the importance of supportive and coordinated care during pregnancy by a multi-professional team in women with complex social factors.

Dr Alison Wilson FRCOG (2016,2019, 2022)

Alison Wilson is an Obstetric Consultant at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, with an interest in the care of women with complex social factors, perinatal mental health and maternal medicine.

This course is intended to help clinicians gain core knowledge for O&G training and the MRCOG examinations. It can also be used by O&G consultants to refresh their knowledge of the area or for teaching.

The content of this course relates to the following Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) and key skills:

CiP 2: Working in health organisations
Understand healthcare differences across the UK
Adheres to legal, professional requirements
Understands ethical principles

CiP 3: Leadership
Influences and negotiates

CiP 5: Human factors
Team working

CiP 6: Developing self & others
Commits to continued learning

CiP 8: Educator
Involves stakeholders in education

CiP 12: Non-emergency obstetrics
Manages conditions arising in pregnancy
Manages fetal concerns
Manages mental health conditions in pregnancy and the postnatal period
Manages complications affected by lifestyle
Supports antenatal decision making
Manages a postnatal consultation

CiP 13: Non-discrimination and inclusion
Relevant to all key skills

CiP 14: Health promotion
Promotes a healthy lifestyle
Promotes illness prevention
Understands impact of policy

Further details about each CiP can be found within the O&G Core Curriculum 2024 Definitive Document, available here .

Gottlieb AS. Domestic violence: a clinical guide for women's health care providers. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2012;14(3):197–202.

Cox-George C, Moffatt J, Jones, K. Domestic violence: a neglected epidemic in obstetrics and gynaecology training. The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 2017;19(3):199–203.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Pregnancy and Complex Social Factors. CG110. NICE; 2010. p 49–73 and 135–159.

Eastham R, Gosakan R. Smoking and smoking cessation in pregnancy. The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 2010;12(2):103–9.

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Domestic abuse and substance misuse - 12 Month Access £50.40 Login to purchase


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