Psychosexual disorders
Provided by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
About the course
This course is part of the RCOG Core Knowledge series.
Approximately 20% of patients referred to Gynaecology outpatient clinics have psychosexual dysfunction. These can either be primary (with no physical cause) or secondary with a precipitating physical cause (e.g., recurrent thrush, vulval dermatitis) that may resolve but the woman can be left with vaginismus or reduced libido. Psychosexual dysfunction may also develop secondary to a psychosexual issue with a partner (i.e. reduced libido in women in a relationship where the partner has erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation). In the RCOG document ‘Tomorrow’s specialist’ psychosexual therapy was listed as one of the top three treatments women expect from their gynaecologist. It is therefore vitally important that all gynaecologists have an understanding of psychosexual dysfunction. This course can improve upon your current practice, whether you are a subspecialist or not.
When you have completed this course you will be able to:
- explain the anatomy and physiology of the human sexual response
- describe the various ways that sexual problems can present
- create an environment in which a woman feels able to raise and discuss sexual issues
- initiate and review investigations to exclude a physical cause for a sexual problem
- initiate the correct management option for each sexual problems
- outline the principles of psychosexual therapy (counselling), and know how these differ according to the different therapeutic approach used
- know the conscious and unconscious processes that contribute to the aetiology of psychosexual dysfunction
- provide brief counselling to a woman up to your own level of competency and refer where appropriate
Dr Leila CG Frodsham MRCOG, M IPM (2016, 2024)
Consultant Gynaecologist and Lead Consultant for the Psychosexual Service, Foundation Training Programme Director and Schwartz Medical co Lead at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, 2013 – to date. Honorary Senior Lecturer, Transition to F1 Module Lead, Women's Health Block co lead, Stage 3 MBBS, King's College London. Chair of the Institute of Psychosexual Medicine 2012–2015. Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust 2009–2016.
Dr Fiona Cowan BSc(Hons) MBBS MRCOG MIPM (2016, 2024)
Consultant Gynaecologist and Lead for Psychosexual Medicine at University Hospital Southampton. Member of the Institute of Psychosexual Medicine.
Dr Pippa Brough FFSRH, M IPM (2016, 2024)
Member of the Institute of Psychosexual Medicine;Training committee member , seminar leader and examiner
The content of this course relates to the following Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) and key skills:
CiP 1: Clinical skills and patient care
Relevant to all key skills
CiP 3: Leadership
Influences and negotiates
Demonstrates insight
Manages stress and fatigue
Effective use of resources
CiP 4: Quality Improvement
Relevant to all key skills
CiP 5: Human factors
Relevant to all key skills
CiP 6: Developing self & others
Commits to continued learning
Develops people
Promotes excellence
Provides support to second victims
Performance management
CiP 7: Innovation and research
Relevant to all key skills
CiP 8: Educator
Effective teaching
Interprofessional learning
Supervises and appraises
CiP 9: Emergency gynaecology and early pregnancy
Manages non-pregnancy pelvic pain
Manages non-pregnancy vaginal bleeding
CiP 11: Non-emergency gynaecology and early pregnancy
Manages abnormal vaginal bleeding
Manages pelvic and vulval bleeding
Manages vulval symptoms
Manages subfertility
Manages sexual wellbeing
CiP 13: Non-discrimination and inclusion
Relevant to all key skills
CiP 14: Health promotion
Relevant to all key skills
Further details about each CiP can be found within the O&G Core Curriculum 2024 Definitive Document, available here .
Cowan F, Frodsham L. Common disorders in psychosexual medicine. The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 2015;17:47-53.
Lee N M W, Jakes A D, Lloyd J, Frodsham L C G. Dyspareunia. BMJ 2018; 361(8158):k2341.
Product Details: Product Name Price Psychosexual disorders - 12 Month Access £50.40 Login to purchase
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Psychosexual disorders - 12 Month Access | £50.40 | Login to purchase |
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