Health inequalities

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About the course

This module introduces the concepts of health equality, health equity, social justice and intersectionality. It examines the importance of parity of esteem between physical and mental health, trauma-informed approaches and an applied case study on domestic violence and abuse.

We discuss why some people are more likely to experience a mental health problem, associations with marginalisation (including stigma, discrimination and racism), and reflections on working with marginalised populations.

A number of reflective activities and real-life examples bring to life the importance of addressing health inequalities in public mental health, including a podcast featuring Prof Sir Michael Marmot and Dr Amrit Sachar.

The development of this module was kindly funded by NHS England.

We are pleased to offer this module free for those without a paid subscription. If you are a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, you can log in straight away using the same username and password with which you access the members' area of the College website. Otherwise, all you need to do is register with the College .

Public Mental Health Leadership Certification course

This module is a taster for the first of an important new RCPsych advanced course type, the Public Mental Health Leadership Certification course.

This Certification course is designed for both UK-based and international psychiatrists, members of the public mental health and public health workforce including clinicians, allied health professionals, community-based organisations, local authority officers and policy makers, and intends to:

  • enhance the knowledge and skills of public mental health among psychiatrists and the wider clinical workforce
  • generate and empower local champions of public mental health and provide further insights for professional work
  • develop a culture change from an individualised model of clinical psychiatry to a population-based, preventative public health approach
  • train the next generation of multidisciplinary leaders in public mental health by providing them with the tools and expertise to advocate for public mental health.

The interactive course provides comprehensive exploration for long-term implementation in your local area, and offers six new eLearning modules, free access to a curated suite of existing RCPsych CPD eLearning resources on related topics, a webinar and live Q&A session with an expert faculty (due to be published April/May 2024).

Please click here for more information, and to register your interest . Look out for further information online in the next few weeks.


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