Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Reverification Programme

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About the course

Demand for ATLS® exceeds current availability. Please check back frequently for new courses or contact your local delivery centre (see below). We do not hold waiting lists for courses.

We are currently piloting ATLS Virtual Reverification course. For more information and to book your place on the pilot please visit: ATLS Virtual Reverification

This revision one-day course allows you to reverify your ATLS® Provider status and is offered as an alternative to re-taking the full two-day ATLS® course. ATLS® Provider status is valid for four years and you can take the ATLS Reverification course up to six months after your Provider status has lapsed.

The format of this hybrid course includes interactive discussions, scenario-based skills stations, initial assessment (moulage) scenarios and interactive e-learning tools which will enhance your learning experience.

The pre-course e-learning is a mandatory requirement for this course and must be completed by 7am the day before the face-to-face course. You will find more information on the pre-course e-learning in the Format tab below.

Due to demand and limited availability of course places, you must work in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to be eligible to attend ATLS. All ATLS® Reverification course applicants must provide proof of their ATLS Provider status when applying for a place on ATLS Reverification course.

Provider status obtained on a course outside the UK will have to be verified through the American College of Surgeons.

View a list of our current ATLS® Reverification course centres . (correct as of February 2023).

RCS England educational bursaries are now open to all member types. Apply today for up to £1,000 towards course fees and expenses (terms and conditions apply).

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