Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS®) Instructor course
Provided by The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London
About the course
This immersive two-day course trains new ATLS ® instructors, helping to sustain and grow the thriving ATLS ® programme in the UK. In addition to the two-day face-to-face component, there is mandatory, pre-course e-learning.
It is designed specifically for those who have been nominated as having ATLS ® Instructor Potential (IP) and focuses on the methods, standards, and processes involved in teaching the ATLS ® course. As a current ATLS ® Instructor, you will also have ATLS ® Provider status.
Upon completion, you will have the necessary skills to develop a positive working environment and act as a supportive mentor to candidates on the provider course.
Due to demand and limited availability of course places, you must work in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to be eligible to attend ATLS.
RCS England educational bursaries are now open to all member types. Apply today for up to £1,000 towards course fees and expenses (terms and conditions apply).