Found 1002 Clinical New Doctor/Intern UK FY courses
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Neuroimaging in dementia
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
There are currently around 900,000 people living with dementia in the UK. This is projected to increase to 1.6 million people by 2040. This sharp r...
Delivering greener, more sustainable, net zero mental healthcare
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Why is net zero mental healthcare so important? As a result of increasing greenhouse gas emissions, our climate is changing. In a warmer, more poll...
Narcissistic personality disorder
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often remains undiagnosed despite the fact that the disorder usually causes significant suffering to patien...
Music therapy: an introduction
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Welcome to this module which introduces some basic information about the practice of music therapy in the UK. The module is in three sections: Sect...
Morbid jealousy
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
'An old and recurring theme in human relationships, jealousy has been captured in myth, drama, literature, dance, sculpture, and painting, as well ...
Minimising in-patient suicides
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
In-patient suicide accounts for around 10% of all suicides among individuals who are in contact with mental health services over the course of a ye...
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
In this module you will learn about mindfulness and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). MBCT is a group-based intervention that combines tr...
Mental Health Act 1983: Safeguards (England)
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The presence of specific safeguards within the MHA 1983 provides an important counterbalance to the extensive powers that are inherent in the Act. ...
Mental Health Act 1983: Criteria for detention
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Mental Health Act 1983 provides for the compulsory admission and treatment of persons with mental disorder. Underpinning all legislation in the...
Metabolic syndrome and schizophrenia
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognised metabolic syndrome as a global epidemic (Potenza & Mechanick, 2009). Its causes are not fully un...
Mental health during the perimenopause and menopause: Part 2 – management in mental health services
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The menopause is a time of acute hormone fluctuations associated with diverse and sometimes disturbing psychological physical symptoms. The menopau...
Mental health during the perimenopause and menopause: Part 1 – introduction to hormonal changes, HR
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This module was awarded 'Most popular CPD eLearning free-access module 2023/2024' at the 2024 eLearning Awards. The perimenopause and menopause tra...
Mental health and tribunal law: Part 2 – Section 72 of the Mental Health Act
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Mental health tribunals have the potential to be difficult and challenging. Tribunals lie at the interface between psychiatry and the law, and use ...
Mental health and tribunal law: Part 1 – an introduction
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Mental health law can be a complex and challenging area for senior clinicians. It has significant relevance to psychiatric practice, yet mental hea...
A guide to medico-legal report writing in asylum cases
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Writing medico-legal reports is a core task for psychiatrists, yet not everyone has received training in report writing skills. Furthermore, there ...
Mechanisms of antipsychotic drugs
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The pharmacological basis of the action of antipsychotic drugs is essential to understanding their effects and limitations in symptom relief, as we...
Managing stress and avoiding burnout: Part 2 – taking action
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
‘It cannot be over-emphasised that attending lectures and workshops, and reading and talking about burn-out are no substitute for doing something a...
Managing stress and avoiding burnout: Part 1 – understanding stress and burnout
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Stress. We all think we know what it means, and as doctors most of us can claim to have experienced it at some time or another (or at least know so...
Managing depression in physical illness
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This is a substantial revision of a previous module by Dr Siobhán MacHale and Dr Roger Smyth. The authors acknowledge their contribution. Depressio...
Managing the adverse effects of clozapine
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Clozapine was the first 'atypical' antipsychotic, notable for its unique effectiveness in refractory cases of schizophrenia as well as the absence ...