Found 1003 Clinical New Doctor/Intern UK FY courses
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Breast Surgery (eLearning)
Provided by The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London
About this module This interactive module parallels the breast patient journey – from GP referral through to diagnosis, surgery, adjuvant treatment...
ATLS Virtual Reverification
Provided by The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London
ATLS® Virtual Reverification course allows you to reverify your ATLS® Provider status and is offered as an alternative to re-taking the ATLS® Provi...
AI and digital innovation in dentistry and oral health
Provided by The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London
Revolutionising approaches to care or just another myth? Healthcare systems in the UK are overwhelmed. AI and digital technologies have enormous po...
Assessment of traumatic brain injury
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
On average, 200–300 per 100,000 in the population attend hospital with head injury every year, with perhaps one-sixth being admitted. Of those admi...
Transferring care between age-specific services: young people’s transitions
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The healthcare transitions faced by young people with mental health problems and disorders can be extremely challenging, and the importance of mana...
The role of religion and spirituality in mental health – research and clinical practice
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Religion and spirituality can be a powerful part of a person’s life experience, and interest in the impact of religion and spirituality on mental h...
The care of transgender people
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Transgender people are becoming more visible in society and so more common in the day-to-day work of psychiatrists. While transgender (trans) peopl...
Technology, social media and mental health: Part 2 – mental health hazards
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This module, the second in a two-part series, examines the ways in which the personal computer and social media impact upon wellbeing and on your w...
Technology, social media and mental health: Part 1 – contributions to psychiatry
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This module, the first in a two-part series, examines the role of social media in mental health, including an overview of the development of the co...
Teaching clinical skills
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Over the past two decades there have been some major changes in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. In both spheres, attempts ha...
Supported accommodation in mental health
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
For most of us our home is the most valuable, important thing we possess (or rent). It provides stability, security, and links with a community, an...
Suicides in prison
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
In this module, we present and summarise evidence on the epidemiology, assessment and management of suicides in custody. In the countries it has be...
Substance use disorders in older people
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Substance use disorders in older people are a growing public health problem and are often overlooked. Although alcohol is a very commonly used subs...
Stimulants: epidemiology and impact on mental health
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Since the second half of the 1990s, a global trend of escalating stimulant misuse (such as cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, methylenedioxymet...
Station writing for the MRCPsych CASC exam
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Royal College of Psychiatrists' (RCPsych's) Examinations team is always looking for volunteers to author stations for the MRCPsych Clinical Ass...
Sports psychiatry
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
It is now acknowledged that athletes can experience difficulties with their mental health and that any psychiatric condition can present in the spo...
Social functioning in schizophrenia
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Deficits in social functioning have been noted in schizophrenia from as early as Kraeplin’s descriptions of the disorder at the turn of the 20th ce...
Sensory impairment and intellectual disability
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Adults with intellectual disability have a higher prevalence of sensory impairment than the general population. The high prevalence of autistic spe...
Self-harm in adolescents: Part 2 – treatment and interventions
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This module focuses on treatments and interventions for young people aged 8 to 18 years who self-harm. It is a follow-on from Self-harm in adolesce...
Self-harm in adolescents: Part 1 – risk assessment and management
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Young people who self-harm represent a significant challenge to professionals. Junior doctors at all stages of training will be required to conduct...