Found 5 Clinical Specialist/Consultant courses
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Scientific basis of allergy
Provided by Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine
This course will be delivered in a hybrid format. This includes pre-recorded materials, live online sessions, and you can also attend in person tea...
The Christie Cadaveric Courses: PELVIC EXENTERATION COURSE
Provided by Doctors Academy
This highly focused and specialised hands-on cadaveric course will cover the key steps and principles involved in pelvic exenteration procedures in...
Basic Surgical Cadaver Skills (BaSiCS)
Provided by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow
This course covers areas of the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme required by CT1/ST2 level surgeons for entry into specialty training.
Allergic skin disease and drug allergy
Provided by Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine
This course will be delivered in a hybrid format. This includes pre-recorded materials, live online sessions, and you can also attend in person tea...
Medical ethics
Provided by Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine
Members of the medical professions are repeatedly faced by ethical dilemmas in the course of their normal working lives. For instance, is it right ...