Found 1001 Clinical Specialist/Consultant courses
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Regulation of madness in England from the 17th century to the early 20th century: Part 1
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Enlightenment was a period when philosophy and science rapidly progressed, leading to ground-breaking ideas which were to influence how society...
Recovery narrative in clinical practice
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Recovery has become a dominant approach in mental health services in the UK. Recovery narrative is an individual's story of recovery from mental he...
Recognising autism spectrum disorders in children with normal-range intelligence
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder and has a biological basis which is present at birth. There is a classic triad of symptoms relating to: lac...
Rapid tranquillisation of the acutely disturbed patient
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This is a substantial revision of a previous module by Dr Stephen Pereira, Dr Deepak Garg and Dr David Branford. The authors acknowledge their cont...
Rapid tranquillisation in children and adolescents
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Rapid tranquillisation (RT) is defined as ‘ the use of psychotropic medication to control agitation, threatening or destructive psychotic behaviour...
Quickbite: Suicide in older adults
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
With an ageing population, suicide in older people will become an increasingly important cause of mortality in the coming years. Whilst there are s...
Quickbite: Severe and enduring eating disorders
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Eating disorders can often take on a chronic course, and the chance of recovery or significant improvement diminishes when the illness becomes more...
Quickbite: Options for remote working post COVID-19
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to ‘social distancing’, with intermittent lockdowns of schools, businesses and sites of entertainment and mea...
Quickbite: Psychotropic medication in breastfeeding
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Psychiatrists often need to prescribe medication to breastfeeding women. This is because mental illness is common in pregnancy and the postnatal pe...
Quickbite: Psychopharmacology in end-of life-care
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Mental health problems are commonly experienced by people nearing the end of their life due to the psychological reaction to the situation, the dir...
Quickbite: Autism spectrum disorder: the place of pharmacological approaches
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can present with a wide variety of symptoms and behaviours. While some of these may be core features o...
Quickbite: Personal development plans: how to make them work
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Writing and reviewing your personal development plan (PDP) can seem a tedious process; a paper exercise at best, a time-consuming chore at worst. S...
Quickbite: Overvalued ideas: a lost concept?
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The concept of the overvalued idea has been debated by European psychopathologists for more than a century. There is very little research on the to...
Quickbite: Mind your language – effective communication in clinical practice
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Language is something we constantly use. All medical students learn communication, empathy and how to break bad news. To psychiatrists, words are t...
Quickbite: Use of mental health legislation in eating disorders
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Doctors often struggle to assess risk and decision-making capacity in patients with severe eating disorders, and to apply mental health legislation...
Quickbite: Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in adults
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has had an increasingly high profile over the last 10 years since the passing of the Autism Act 2009 (England and Wa...
Quickbite: Complex PTSD in children and adolescents
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The rationale for the clinical construct of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) in children is that it provides a coherent conceptualisa...
Quickbite: Monitoring and managing the renal adverse effects of lithium
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Lithium is an established treatment for bipolar disorder and an augmenting agent for depression. Despite evidence for its effectiveness, many other...
Question writing for MRCPsych papers A and B
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Royal College of Psychiatrists is continually looking for new question writers. This module is intended to provide instruction and guidance on ...
Quality improvement module 6: An introduction to the run chart and using data for improvement
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The run chart is a powerful visual tool that can be used to guide quality improvement initiatives in healthcare. Providing a method that enables te...