Found 1007 Hospital doctor/Secondary care physician - Trainee courses
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Question writing for MRCPsych papers A and B
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Royal College of Psychiatrists is continually looking for new question writers. This module is intended to provide instruction and guidance on ...
Quality improvement module 6: An introduction to the run chart and using data for improvement
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The run chart is a powerful visual tool that can be used to guide quality improvement initiatives in healthcare. Providing a method that enables te...
Quality improvement module 4: Patient safety in mental health
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Patient safety should be at the forefront of everything we do when we deliver any care or treatment: ‘First do no harm.’ Since the 1990s the patien...
Quality improvement module 3: Organisation theory: conceptual frameworks in a changing context
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Last updated by Deepa Krishnan and Kabir Garg Organisations affect our whole lives – from infancy to retirement – and much of our work in the healt...
Quality improvement module 2: Clinical audit in mental health practice
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Clinical audit is a simple and effective mechanism for assuring ourselves about quality of care. It has been practised since the middle of the 19th...
Quality improvement module 1: QI essentials
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This is a substantial revision of a previous module by Dr Michael Holland, Emily Doncaster and Sophie Hodge. The authors acknowledge their contribu...
Psychosocial management of self-harm: Part 2
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This module accompanies the preceding module, Psychosocial management of self-harm: Part 1 , in which the evidence for interventions to reduce the ...
Psychosocial management of self-harm: Part 1
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Self-harm is a term used to span a spectrum of suicidal and non-suicidal behaviour, with a range of underlying motivations (Skegg, 2005). It is rel...
Psychodermatological disorders
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
The skin is the largest organ of the body covering a surface area of 1.5 to 2 square metres in the average adult. It plays a vital role in the inte...
Assessing people with psychiatric rehabilitation needs
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
In this module, we provide a framework for guiding rehabilitation assessment. We also emphasise the importance of considering risk and other challe...
Psychiatric intensive care
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
A psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) is a hospital ward dedicated to the short-term management of people in an acutely disturbed phase of a ser...
Psychiatric aspects of perinatal loss
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
‘I have lost two or three infants, not without regret, but with no great sorrow’ (Montaigne, 1685). Four centuries on, Montaigne’s comment seems sh...
Psychiatric aspects of homicide
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Homicide is the killing of one human being by another. A disproportionate number of perpetrators have had contact with mental health services or re...
Psychiatric aspects of end-of-life care
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
How do you want to die? Providing good quality end-of-life care is what we would want for ourselves, our loved ones and our patients. Good psycholo...
Psychiatric aspects of dizziness: a question of balance
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Dizziness is a common complaint and one that is mysterious for the patient and hard to communicate to the doctor. Persistent dizziness has been ter...
Psychedelic drug therapy in psychiatry
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
What are psychedelic drugs? Are they simply drugs of abuse? Can they be used to treat patients with unremitting mental health problems? Can they as...
Problem psychiatrists: Part 2 – understanding and managing poor performance
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This second module follows on from the approaches to managing poor performance set out in the first module: Problem psychiatrists: Part 1 – introdu...
Problem psychiatrists: Part 1 – introduction to dealing with poor performance
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
Understanding and dealing with poor performance in doctors is something now expected of all doctors. The GMC’s publications Raising and acting on c...
Probity in professional practice: Part 2
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
In the first module of this two-part series, Probity in professional practice: Part 1 , we explored how harm can be prevented in the relationships ...
Probity in professional practice: Part 1
Provided by Royal College of Psychiatrists
This module, the first in a two-part series, contains guidance on how harm to patients and psychiatrists can be prevented. The harm can be psycholo...