Found 4 Clinical New Doctor/Intern UK FY courses in United Kingdom, England
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The Christie Cadaveric Courses: The Christie Cadaveric Course: Peritoneal and Cytoreductive Surgery
Provided by Doctors Academy
This highly focused and specialised hands-on cadaveric course will cover intra-abdominal surgical anatomy and assessment of abdominal cavity for si...
Interprofessional Diabetes for Healthcare Professionals
Provided by St George's University of London
Nationally, there is a drive on redesigning diabetes services towards a singular pathway across the primary/secondary care interface.
Recent Advances of Young Onset Dementia
Provided by St George's University of London
The course will provide an update on current diagnostic standards, best practice and new developments in clinical practice relating to the young onset
MSc Ophthalmology
Provided by UCL
About the course The flagship Ophthalmology MSc from the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital is ideal for intercalating MBBS...